Development Partner | Republic of Austria |
Development/ Implementation agency | Austrian Development Agency (ADA). The ADA is an operational unit of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), set up in 2004 to implement and manage official development assistance (ODA) funds. It is in charge of implementing all bilateral programmes and projects in ADC's partner countries. |
Contact details | Coordination Office for Technical Cooperation, Chisinau Austrian Embassy Chisinau 23A Mateevici street, MD-2009, Chisinau, Phone: +373-22-739370 Fax: +373-22-796940 Email: chisinau@ada.gv.at http://www.entwicklung.at/countries-and-regions/south_eastern_europewestern_balkans/moldova/en/ |
Legal framework for cooperation | Cooperation Agreement signed on 21st October 2008 between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of the Republic of Austria. |
Strategic documents for programming | Country Strategy of the Republic of Moldova for 2011-2015. The DAC activities focused on supporting the implementation of the National Development Plan of the Republic of Moldova, the MDGs and the EU-Moldova ENP Action Plan. Currently, cooperation between the RM and Austria is based on the Country Strategy for 2016-2020.
Priority sectors/ Areas of cooperation | Poverty reduction has been an important factor for ADC in its selection of priority sectors and areas in Moldova. ADC in Moldova focuses on (i) water/waste water management (60%) and (ii) labour-market oriented vocational training (30%) in primarily rural areas. Other important supplementary areas of intervention are (iii) governance (10%) (which includes public administration capacity building, support to civil society, conflict prevention and reintegration of returning migrants), and (iv) gender equality and environment.For next five years (2016-2020), Austria's foreign and development policy will focus on Moldova on the following activities: 1. Support the pre-accession process of the Republic of Moldova to the EU; 2. Supporting regional cooperation within the RCC, SUERD, the Black Sea region and the Eastern Partnership; 3. Supporting the process of reform in the Republic of Moldova through institutional development and human factor, promoting sustainable development and social inclusion, and strengthening the rule of law, accountability and application of human rights principles; 4. Promoting good governance and strengthening the reform; 5. Support the territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova through confidence-building measures in Transnistria and Gagauzia. |
Types of funds / financial instruments and assistance modalities | Cooperation Agreement signed on 21st October 2008 between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of the Republic of Austria.For 2012 - EUR 1.9 Million was disbursed, another EUR 2.4 Million are planned for 2013, for 2014 - EUR 2.6 Million and for 2015 - EUR 2.6 Million. |
Procedures for programming, approval and implementation of projects | The Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (FMEIA) of the Republic of Austria is responsible for coordinating Austrian development policy and strategic planning of Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC). Project coordination and in-country management are the responsibility of the Coordination Office for Technical Cooperation of the Austrian Embassy Chisinau, the official representation of ADC in Moldova. Projects financed by ADC through grants are exclusively implemented by third parties, i.e. local partners, NGOs, international organisations and/or private firms. To foster local ownership and participation, increasing use is being made of local capacities and expertise in project identification and implementation.
Special conditions for submission of project proposals and project acceptability criteria | Project proposals do not have to fulfill any special conditions. There are no formally defined procedures or timeframes for submission of project proposals. They can be submitted at any time during the year. Following submission, the ADA office in Chisinau evaluates the project proposal. If the proposal is good, it is submitted to the relevant ADA office in Vienna, where a final evaluation of the project proposal is carried out and a decision is made as to whether the project is to receive funding or not. ADA then informs the beneficiary of the project of its decision through the Chisinau office. When preparing a project proposal, remember that (i) it should fall within the priority sectors covered by the ADA in the Republic of Moldova and that (ii) standard project elements should be presented: legal basis, context, description with clearly stated objectives, proposed activities, expected results, period of implementation and budget. Participation (co-financing) by the beneficiary is not formally a mandatory condition. There are no set amounts for the project cost, but, as a rule, small projects are financed. |
Other information | Business partnerships ADC supports cooperation between companies in Austria and the EU and transition countries (joint ventures, outsourcing, supply contracts, know-how transfer, joint marketing, management contracts, franchising agreements etc.). Possibilities for cooperation should be explored in all areas of business, especially in food retailing and the export sector (e.g. wine production and marketing). Possible opportunities for private sector engagement could be the financing of village pick up points or (cold) storage facilities.NGO co-financing facility ADC supports civil society activities and partnerships between Austrian and local NGOs through a specific co-financing instrument. Proposals are to be submitted by Austrian NGOs in cooperation with a local partner in the framework of the Call for Proposals. In the past, ADC has supported several initiatives in democratisation and social security. The EU co-financing instrument supports projects by Austrian NGOs that are co-financed by the European Commission and ADC.Supporting regional cooperation in South East and Eastern Europe ADC’s South East Europe regional budget line supports projects with a regional focus. Moldova has greatly benefited from such projects in the past. Examples include ECO NET (the training firm model is an innovative, practice-oriented teaching method), Know-how-Transfer-Center, Media Development in South East Europe, tuition at the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna or capacity building for the police to fight human trafficking. The 2011-2013 Regional Strategy for South East Europe is available onhttp://www.rcc.int/pages/0/29/strategy-and-work-programme-2011-2013.Soft Loans ADC is also providing soft loans to the Republic of Moldova. In 2012 the first agreement to support the Republican Hospital in Chisinau was concluded (7.5MEUR). Soft Loans are managed by the Austrian Control Bank and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Austria. |
Normative Framework | |